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Experience Life in the Philippines Through Dating Filipinas

As you open your eyes and let the sunrays kiss your skin, all you can sense is the beauty of nature – green mountains, calm seas, and singing birds. It really feels like heaven that you get to spend the rest of your life in paradise, doesn’t it?

But wait, how about experiencing these relaxing moments with your one true love who promises to be with you no matter what? It becomes more special, right?

Out of 195 countries in the world, the Philippines, home to 7,640 islands, has always been one of the best options among foreign men seeking potential life partners.

However, getting into a cross-cultural relationship isn’t as easy as it seems. There are a series of adjustments just to understand your partner’s roots.

A photo of a couple kayaking.
With all the green mountains, clear seas, and diverse floras and faunas, life in the Philippines is exceptional.

With that said, one can’t help but ask, “What is it like living in the Philippines?”

Many people all throughout the planet know that the Pearl of the Orient Seas outlines an enthralling Southeast Asian culture, some of which are impacted by Spanish and US imperialism. And without a doubt, life in the Philippines is truly unique.

The country’s three major islands offer marvelous topography, pristine shorelines, endemic and exotic animal species, and preserved cultural sub-groups. All this translates to the eagerness of some foreign men to perceive more of the nation’s hidden splendors.

Non-Filipinos who are living in the Philippines would agree that one of the most difficult decisions they made in their lives was staying in a place where they need to do things on their own, with no one from the family there to comfort them in times of sadness.

That’s why most expats, if not all, try to expand their circles not just to fill the void while living alone, but for them to fully immerse themselves in the new society they belong to.

Social and Cultural Expansion of Foreign Men

Expanding your circle means meeting new people with the same interests.

Sure, most of us would agree that knowing more people is a great opportunity to widen one’s knowledge of something, especially if this talks more about people, culture, and tradition. As such, the innate hospitality of Filipino people makes building connections with them easier.

As time becomes a primary ingredient of immersion, it’s unavoidable that the connection between foreign men and local women becomes romantic.

Now, it is safe to assume that nobody is ignorant about white men dating Filipinas. Anywhere you go in the country, rural or urban areas, there are Filipino ladies seen going out with nonnative men.

A photo of a woman standing under a fern plant.
Many foreign men are dating Filipinas because of their natural beauties and positive personalities.

A lot of white men who have relationships with Filipinas tend to experience more of the Filipino lifestyles. They already have a know-how about the usual things to do from the moment the sun rises until it sets.

Yes, some experience culture shock because despite being with local ladies, Filipino traditions are extremely opposite to what these guys are used to. That’s why they push themselves more to fully grasp the acculturation that occurs.

Three Filipino Traditions That Foreign Men Never Forget

  1. Family-orientedness

When you ask a Filipina about the people she looks up to, expect family to be the answer.

In general, Filipinos are family-oriented to the point that even though they are adults and married, they still choose to live with their parents. Unlike some western families, the moment you turn 18, you are expected to get a job and move out to live independently.

Due to their love for their family, a typical nuclear family structure turns into an extended family. So when expressing your love to a Filipina, you might as well extend it to her family members.

  1. Courtesy

Part of Filipino culture is being courteous. In fact, there are a few ways to express courtesy in the Philippines:

Filipino parents always teach their children and grandchildren to pay respect to all people regardless of age, sex, status, and beliefs. They believe that once everyone treats people with the best regard, everything around them will turn harmonious.

Being in a relationship with a woman from the Philippines means that she accepts and respects you and your family, and that is something you should never put to waste.

A photo of a Filipino family at the park.
To Filipinos, the role of an extended family is to provide unquestionable support.
  1. Filipino Food

A lot of people, especially tourists, get shocked about the food choice of Filipino households during breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It is amusing to know that even in terms of meals, foreigners find it very interesting.

For instance, British households prepare porridge, bread, orange juice, bacon, and sausage for breakfast. But for Filipinos, they have all types of meat marinated in vinegar, soy sauce, and garlic. There is also tocino mixed with sugar and salt before frying. And of course, breakfast is never complete without rice.

When dating a Filipina woman, expect to always go home with a huge appetite. For as long as there is food to serve, she will offer it, and you have no other option but to consume it.

Filipinos just love eating. No one can stop them from consuming whatever food is offered to them. It is basically a blessing. Now, if you challenge them to eat with a time limit, you better start embracing defeat.

The Romantic Connection Shared Between Two Worlds

Relationships involving Filipino women and white men are tagged as problematic not just because of their cultural differences, but a lot of people also think that Filipinas are only after the wealth of foreign guys.

Despite the negative stereotypes surrounding Filipina ladies, no one can deny that there are a number of successful relationships between a Filipina and a foreign man.

No matter what they say about the intentions of these women, one thing is certain: True love can happen even if you and your partner come from two different worlds.

Ladies from the Philippines love with all their hearts. They let you enjoy and experience living in a tropical country. They show you how people work every day and night. They pamper you even at your lowest point.

Most importantly, they yearn to share long term goals with you.