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Celebrating Long-Distance Valentine’s Day with a Filipina

Filipina smiling
Dating a Filipina sounds like a dream, but are you prepared to face the reality of a long-distance relationship?

Long-distance relationships and Valentine’s Day. Two things you never thought you’d see in a sentence.

But here you are, on a Skype call with your Filipina girlfriend, trying to make plans for this upcoming heart’s day. It may not be possible to celebrate Valentine’s Day in the Philippines, not with the current state of the world right now.

Still, you and your girlfriend hope that things go according to plan and hope for the best. But in all honesty, celebrating it in person may not be possible.

Fret not — Valentine’s day isn’t the only day you can show your love to a Filipina woman. This holiday doesn’t hold much weight despite all the heavy advertising. To most Filipinos, Valentine’s day is just an excuse for businesses to make money and for customers to pamper themselves.

Don’t be surprised if your girlfriend is not really into this holiday. It doesn’t hold as much importance to Filipinos as social media would like you to believe. In fact, she might be looking forward to seeing you more than she is to celebrate this over-commercialized holiday.

This begs the question:

Should You Still Celebrate Valentine's Day?

Couples have their own way of doing things. Some prefer to celebrate Valentine’s with a bang, while others prefer to treat it like any other day.

If you were to ask a Filipina, she’ll most probably be indifferent to this holiday. The only people that hold importance to this day are often those new to relationships. She’ll probably be interested in the food more than the nature of the day itself.

Still, it takes two to tango. If your girlfriend isn’t too keen on celebrating Valentine’s Day, but you are, then find a middle ground. There will come a point where someone has to adjust more than the other. As long as everyone wins, it wouldn’t really matter.

If you want to celebrate Valentine’s because other people are doing it, then you might want to reconsider. But if you want to do it because you think it’ll be a fun way to make memories, then by all means go for it.

There’s no right or wrong. You and your girlfriend have full autonomy on whether you should make Valentine’s day an important day in your relationship.

But if you both are in full agreement that you want to do something together, then here are a few ways you can celebrate it long distance.

Alternative Ways of Commemorating the Day of Love:

According to the NY Times, “a care package is an assortment of little treats and pleasing non-necessities, gathered together and sent by post.”

Dating a Filipina often ensues a ton of care packages. It’s almost like a balikbayan box. Except if balikbayan boxes were sent by a non-Filipino instead.

Care packages are one way to indirectly tell your partner to stay healthy and happy. Fill your care packages with things you think your girlfriend will like and with things to keep her health in good shape.

Even if you can’t be there in person to celebrate Valentine’s with her, your feelings are sure to reach her via a care package.

Self-love is one of the most overlooked forms of love there is.

Relying on a partner to keep you happy isn’t a healthy way to keep a relationship. For you to love someone else, you have to love yourself first. What better way to love yourself than to treat and pamper yourself for an entire day?

Do your Filipina girlfriend a huge favor and surprise her with an all-expense paid salon or spa visit. You can have her trusted friends and family arrange the entire surprise.

You can go on video chat while you guys go on a self-care day together. It’ll feel almost like you’re spending your Valentine’s Day in person.

Most Filipinas are family-oriented. Having her bring her family along for a Valentine’s Day lunch is one surefire way of sweeping her off her feet. Who wouldn’t like to have a partner that looks after her and her family?

Filipina at the beach
Not every single Filipina woman would jump at the chance to date a foreign man. Like everyone else, they also have their preferences.

Besides, this holiday isn’t reserved for lovers only. It can be spent together with close friends and family. The day of love is inclusive to all kinds of love — family included. If you can’t be by her side to make her feel loved, her family is there to do it.

Family values are deeply ingrained in Filipino culture. This lunch will mean a lot to her more than you realize, and you’re sure to make her feel loved.

Add a sentimental touch to your Valentine’s and compile all the pictures and videos you have together with your girlfriend. It would be great if you edit the presentation yourself.

Showcase all the photos of the milestones in your relationship, like your firsts and other important events. If you weren’t able to document them, then you can record yourself talking about those memories. It’s a bit awkward, but it’s no different from a standard birthday video greeting.

There is more than one way for you to fill in the missing pictures. You just have to choose the method you are most comfortable with. After all, it’s your presentation. Even if you’re doing it for your partner, she’ll probably appreciate it a lot more if you made it with love.

Keeping Her Happy Despite the Long Distance

It’s hard to keep a relationship going, even more so when it’s long-distance.

There are a lot of things to figure out together as a couple, and you can’t do that if you’re miles away. Then again, if there’s a will, there’s a way.

This too shall pass, and there will be many more opportunities to celebrate holidays. In fact, your girlfriend will probably think the same. It’s one of the perks of dating a Filipino — they like looking at the brighter side of things.

So don’t be afraid to hold out hope. Someday, when you meet each other again, you’ll be able to create fond memories together. Until then, stay strong!