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HIDDEN DESIRES of Filipina Single Moms in the Philippines

The increasing inclination of Filipina single moms to marry foreigners rather than local men is a growing phenomenon in the Philippines. So why do single mothers in the Philippines choose better bachelors abroad over their own countrymen?

One significant reason is that many local men often take Filipino women for granted. Due to the abundance of single Asian women in the Philippines, some Filipino men have the mindset that they have numerous potential love interests available. As a result, they may not prioritize lifelong commitment in their relationships, leading Filipino women to seek partnerships with foreign men who usually will value the relationship more and are interested in dating in the Philippines.

Divorce in the Philippines is not recognized by law or culture, making Filipina single moms highly selective when choosing life partners. Pinays generally view marriage as a lifelong commitment, and therefore they take time to know potential partners before making a decision. It is not uncommon for modern women, even among the more traditional Filipinas, to consider cohabitation before getting married. This approach allows Davao women to guaranty a match before committing to marriage.

Whether you are an MGTOW or Red Pill seeking genuine connections with family-oriented women in modern society, Filipinas may possess the qualities you desire and more.